How to send a fax with Faxee.IO

How to send a fax with Faxee.IO

How to send a fax with Faxee.IO is an Email to Fax service, where you can send a fax by emailing an attachment directly to a fax number.


Simple Cheat Sheet

To Email Address:<faxnumber>@<yourfaxeedomain>
Subject:Not required (might be useful when you look in your sent items)Fax to Customer about order
Attachment Type:Faxee accepts PDF and DOC or DOCX documentsPDF Attachment

Faxee.IO RetriesFaxee.IO will attempt to retry sending faxes 3 times before failing.
Number of PagesPlease keep the number of pages you send and receive to approximately 10 pages

Step By Step Instructions

  1. Create a new email
  2. In the To: field enter the sending email address
    1. This email address will be <faxnumber>@<yourfaxeedomain>
    2. the <faxnumber> is the number you wish to send to.
      1. Local numbers and interstate, please include the area code i.e. 02, 03, 07 etc.
      2. If you are sending INTERNATIONALLY, please use 0011<countrycode><areacode><tonumber>@<yourtabel>
  3. The Subject: field is not required. Any information in this field will be ignored.
  4. Attach the file you wish to send
    1. Valid file formats are .DOC, .DOCX and .PDF
  5. Send your email! 
  6. Faxee.IO will send you an email once the fax has been sent, or if there are any delivery issues

7. Once your fax is successfully sent, you will receive a confirmation email that looks like this :

Prerequisites :

  • You will need to know your service label prior to sending, as this is required in the sending email address. You will be provided this at time of being set up for you.
  • Your sender email address MUST be in Faxee.IO as an approved sender.
    • Faxee.IO Lite only allows ONE email address as a sender/recipient
  • Ensure the email address * is whitelisted in your email servers/programs. This will ensure you can receive faxes and notification emails, and that they will NOT go into your junk/spam. See this link for how to Whitelist email addresses in various email services :

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