Integrating Microsoft 365 contacts into Ringotel

Integrating Microsoft 365 contacts into Ringotel

Here is how you can integrate Microsoft 365 Contact list into Ringotel.


  • PRO License package required

  • (incurs extra costs per month)

  • Can only be applied to entire organisation, cannot be configured on a per-user basis.

  • Must be enabled by Summit prior to following these instructions

  • Organisation Admin Access email address is required for the customer to configure integration.

Step 1: Open Private browsing session or Login to Microsoft as an Administrator (

The CUSTOMER must log in as Microsoft admin, VERY IMPORTANT

Step 2: Login to Ringotel Organisation Administrator (Ringotel Shell Admin )


Step 3: Go to : Integration tab and search for Microsoft 365 under Contacts


Click: Enable integrations, then Enable

Step 4 : Set up the integration in Ringotel

Navigate to your organization → Integrations tab. Click Set up Integration button on the Microsoft 365 panel.

Check the permissions you would like to enable for this integration for the users. With the Allow users to create/edit records in Microsoft 365 and Allow users to delete records in Microsoft 365 option, users can create and/or delete contacts in Microsoft 365 via the Ringotel app interface.

Click Save Changes. You will then be redirected for authentication.


After the successful authentication, you will be redirected back to your Ringotel Shell portal to finalize the integration.

Step 5: In the Ringotel Shell portal, map Microsoft 365 and Ringotel users.

Users with the same email address in both systems will be mapped automatically.


Click Save changes. Now the integration should be configured for the mapped users.

Login to the RingoTel App, go to: Contact Book and Click on Microsoft Section

Note : If you are already logged in, log out them back in again for the app to update


While the Tab may say “ERROR”, if the main browser window says OK, then you are linked.


Step 7: Import Microsoft 365 contacts into Ringotel (optional)

The integration provides automatic contact identification on incoming/outgoing calls. Additionally, you can import existing Microsoft 365 contacts into the contact lists of the Ringotel users.

Navigate to your Organisation -> Contacts, then click Import button.

Switch to the Microsoft 365 tab, which should appear if the integration is successfully configured.


Click the Next button to pull the list of contacts.

Once the contacts are loaded, click the Import button to start the import. Depending on the number of contacts, it may take some time to finish. You may close the window as the process finishes in the background.

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